Friday, October 29, 2010

Avatar The Legend Of Aang


Avatar: The Legend Of Aang adalah serial animasi televisi Amerika yang ditayangkan oleh jaringan televisi Nickelodeon. Cerita tersebut dibuat dan diproduseri oleh Michael Dante DiMartino dan Bryan Konietzko. Serial ini dituliskan dalam bentuk serial buku, dengan setiap episodenya dianggap sebagai sebuah "bab" (chapter) dan setiap musimnya disebut sebagai "buku" (book). Ceritanya mengikuti petualangan demi petualangan dari penerus gelar Avatar bernama Aang dan teman-temannya dalam perjalanan mereka menyelamatkan dunia dari Negara Api yang keji.

Avatar: The Legend of Aang mengambil tempat di sebuah dunia fantasi, tempat tinggal manusia, berbagai binatang fantastik, dan roh-roh. Peradaban manusia terbagi-bagi menjadi empat bangsa yaitu Suku Air (Water Tribe), Kerajaan Bumi (Earth Kingdom), Pengembara Udara (Air Nomads), dan Negara Api (Fire Nation).
Dalam setiap generasi, ada seseorang yang mampu mengendalikan 4 unsur tersebut. Dialah yang dipanggil sebagai Avatar, roh dari planet yang menitis dalam bentuk manusia. Ketika seorang Avatar meninggal dunia, dia akan terlahir kembali di bangsa yang gilirannya selalu bergantian sesuai dengan siklus Avatar, yang seiring dengan musim: musim dingin untuk air, musim semi untuk tanah, musim panas untuk api, dan musim gugur untuk udara.

Season One (Book One: Water)

Seabad sebelum pembukaan cerita serial ini, Aang, seorang anak laki-laki pengendali angin berusia 12 tahun dari Kuil Udara Selatan milik kaum Pengembara Udara, diberitahu oleh para tetua bahwa ia adalah "Sang Avatar". Takut tanggung jawab berat, Aang kabur dari rumah dengan seekor banteng terbang raksasa berkaki enam bernama Appa. Terjebak dalam badai sengit, mereka menabrak laut. Tetapi Aang segera membuat bola udara mengitari tubuhnya dan Appa sehingga ia tidak basah. Bola udara tersebut membekukan air di sekitarnya sehingga Aang dan Appa terkurung di dalam bongkahan es.

100 tahun kemudian, Katara, seorang gadis 14 tahun dari Suku Air Selatan, dan kakaknya, Sokka, menemukan Aang dan Appa. Sementara dalam perjalanan, Aang dan teman-teman mengunjungi Kuil Udara Selatan dimana Aang menemukan bahwa Negara Api menyapu habis Pengembara Udara. Trio ini terus-menerus dikejar oleh Prince Zuko yang dibuang, diasingkan anak Raja Api Ozai, yang hanya dapat kembali ke Negara Api dan merebut kembali kehormatan dan tahta jika ia menangkap Avatar. Zuko melakukan perjalanan dengan pamannya, Iroh. Bersaing dengan Zuko untuk Avatar, Laksamana Zhao, yang memimpin serangan Negara Api mengenai Suku Air bahwa berhasil ditolak berkat Aang dan sahabat-Nya. Setelah pengepungan ini berakhir, Raja Api meberi tugas untuk putrinya, Azula, menangkap Zuko dan Iroh, yang sekarang dianggap pengkhianat Negara Api.

Season Two (Book Two: Earth)

Setelah meninggalkan Kutub Utara, Aang mencari guru Earthbending baru dengan bantuan Katara dan Sokka. Mereka bertemu Toph yang buta dan mengajarkan Aang bagaimana untuk melihat menggunakan earthbending dan getaran. 
Sementara itu, Zuko dan Iroh, sekarangmelarikan diri dari Negara Api, mencoba menjalani hidup baru di Kerajaan Bumi. Zuko, dengan bantuan pamannya, mencoba untuk berdamai dengan masa lalu dan obsesi bermasalah dengan menangkap Avatar. Aang dan teman-temannya menemukan bahwa gerhana matahari yang akan datang bakal mencabut Firebenders. 
Azula dan kedua temannya Mai dan Ty Lee mengejar Tim Avatar, yang berjuang untuk mencapai Ba Sing Se. Setelah menangkap dan meniru Kyoshi Warriors, teman-teman Tim Avatar tertipu oleh Azula. Azula membujuk kelompok elite Earthbenders disebut Dai Li untuk menghasut kudeta. Azula berjanji pada Zuko untuk mengembalikan kehormatannya. Akhirnya, Iroh membantu Aang dan Katara melarikan diri setelah Zuko mengkhianati dia, dan dipenjarakan oleh Li Dai atas perbuatannya. Aang dan Katara menghidupkan semangat dari Kutub Utara, tapi Aang tidak bias melakukan cakra ketujuh dan dia tidak bisa masuk ke Dunia Avatar.

Season Three (Book Three: Fire)

Aang menyamar sebagai tentara Api dengan menggunakan sebuah kapal Negara Api. Sedangkan Zuko telah dipulihkan ke posisinya sebagai putra mahkota dan Iroh yang dipenjarakan sebagai pengkhianat. Zuko memutuskan untuk menantang ayahnya dan bergabung dengan Avatar. Zuko mengikuti Aang di Kuil Udara Barat dan menawarkan untuk mengajarkan Aang Firebending. Setelah beberapa keengganan dari Katara dan Sokka, Tim Avatar memungkinkan Zuko untuk bergabung dengan grup.
Di akhir seri, Aang dan teman-temannya menghadapi kekuatan Raja Api Ozai, yang berencana untuk menggunakan kekuatan komet Sozin untuk menghancurkan bangsa-bangsa lain dan menguasai dunia sebagai Raja Phoenix. Iroh, yang melarikan diri dari penjara selama gerhana, memimpin Orde Lotus Putih untuk membebaskan Ba Sing Se. Sokka, Toph dan Suki mengambil airships Negara Api itu, mencegah mereka untuk membakar Kerajaan Bumi. Zuko dan Katara melawan Azula. Setelah Zuko menemukan makna pengendalian api yang sesungguhnya setelah bergabung dengan Aang, Zuko mampu mengalahkan Azula. Aang berjuang melawan Ozai. Tetapi Aang enggan untuk mengambil nyawa Raja Ozai. Namun, Aang mampu masuk kembali Negara Avatar dan akhirnya Ozai kalah dengan mengambil kekuatan apinya dengan teknik yang dikenal sebagai energi membungkuk yang diajarkan kepadanya oleh penyu singa kuno. Dengan Ozai kalah, perang berakhir dengan cepat. Zuko dinobatkan menjadi Raja Api baru dan dengan bantuan dari Avatar dan teman-temannya, mereka mulai membangun kembali empat negara. 


Aang in Ba Sing Se
Avatar Aang, an Air Nomad, was the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as The War. His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku, and his immediate successor was Avatar Korra. Being the manifestation of the world in human form, Aang was the only person in the Avatar world who could use all four bending disciplines: Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending and Firebending. He is the main protagonist in Avatar: the Last Airbender. He is also one of a select few Avatars, and one of the first in many years, to learn the ancient art of Energybending and the only Avatar to use it during the series.
Before the beginning of the series, Aang was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years. He emerges, still biologically twelve years old, into a world engulfed by war. During his absence, the Fire Nation waged war with the other nations and managed to completely wipe out the pacifistic Air Nomads. It fell to Aang, the last of his kind, to put a stop to the war by mastering the other three elements and defeating Fire Lord Ozai. He remained something of a goofy, kind kid at heart throughout this year-long struggle, despite the overwhelming loss of his people and the heavy burdens he has been forced to bear. After his spectacular victory over the Fire Lord, Aang began a romantic relationship with his close friend, Katara. The couple eventually got married and raised a family, which includes at least one child, an Airbending son Tenzin.

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Momo is a Winged-Lemur and a loyal companion of Aang and his team. He is the only winged-lemur known to have survived the Air Nomad genocide, where he appertained to the Southern Air Temple after. However, the fact that his species is recognized by various characters throughout the series gives an indication that Momo may still have living brethren around the world.

Momo is an intelligent creature but is either incapable or selective of understanding human speech. He is also a glutton for any available fruit. Momo's behavior is more cat-like than that of real life lemurs. His wings appear to retract within the fur of his arms and he appears to have four fingers and two additional ones within the wing membrane that can be seen when he has his wings extended. His fur is mostly white with some select black stripes and a brownish-black face, which has two proportionately large green eyes.

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Katara at the Western Air TempleKatara is a powerful female Waterbender. She was born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe by her grandmother, Kanna, alongside her older brother Sokka. Katara was the last Waterbender in her tribe and led a normal teenage life for a Southern Water Tribe girl, until she and her brother discovered the young Air Nomad Avatar, Aang, who had been encased for 100 years within a sphere of ice. In need of a Waterbending teacher, the siblings and Aang left the South Pole for the Northern Water Tribe. Katara and Sokka eventually became close friends of Aang, and after their journey to the North Pole, continued to travel with him across the world as he mastered the remaining elements, Earth and Fire. The siblings' assistance helped Aang halt the Fire Nation's ambitions of world domination, ending the century-long war, and finally restoring balance to the world.
The murder of Katara's mother, Kya, and the later departure of her warrior father, Hakoda, left her traumatized and alone. Though she was cared for by her grandmother, Kanna, she invariably found herself filling the mother role left behind by Kya, even to her own brother. As was the custom of the Water Tribe for women to see to domestic duties, Katara soon took on many of the responsibilities expected of someone much her senior and quickly became ardently independent and strong willed. Morally and emotionally driven, she developed a great sense of justice and compassion for others, becoming fiercely protective of others in need, when stirred.
Initially, Katara's Waterbending abilities were very limited. However, after her acquisition of a Waterbending scroll, and formal training at the North Pole, her determination and hard work saw her surpass Aang, and completely master the element. She became Aang's Waterbending instructor after their departure from the Northern Water Tribe, replacing Master Pakku, who had instructed them during their time there. Her mastery of water made her a formidable asset to the group. After the War ended, Katara and Aang began a close romantic relationship, and the two eventually married, going on to raise a family, including an Airbender son, Tenzin.

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Sokka on Ember Island
Sokka is a teenage Water Tribe warrior. Raised by his grandmother Kanna along with his younger sister Katara in the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka is the son of Chief Hakoda, who left along with all of the other men in his tribe to fight the Fire Nation.
As a result, Sokka was the oldest male in the South Pole. He assumed responsibility for the tribe, until his sister discovered an Air Nomad named Aang frozen in a block of ice. When he learns that Aang is the Avatar, he is at first skeptical that a child could really save the world. As he and his sister help Aang on his quest, he begins to believe that Aang really is the only hope for peace in the world.
Despite his inability to bend, Sokka becomes the strategist of the group, constantly trying to prove himself to be a great warrior like his father. Sokka is also the, "matter of fact" guy in the group and does not believe in spirit magic, as he calls it, "mumbo-jumbo". His leadership skills improve over the series, culminating with his masterminding the plan for the eclipse invasion of the Fire Nation. His humor and his ability to organize and plan becomes imperative to the group on their travels. By the end of the series, Sokka becomes a master swordsman and finally becomes a great warrior like his father.

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Toph Bei FongToph Bei Fong, usually referred to as simply Toph, is an Earthbending master. Blind since birth, Toph was constantly looked down upon for her disability and her stature as an innocent little girl, especially by her over-protective parents. Upon discovering Badgermoles, earth-dwelling animals who were blind just like her, she learned seismic sense through them - the ability to use Earthbending as an extension of her senses and effectively give her "sight" through vibrations in the ground.
Known as the "Blind Bandit", she mastered Earthbending through her own style and developed a tough-guy personality, becoming infamous by winning underground Earthbending tournaments behind her parents' backs. Uninterested at first, she chooses to leave behind her old life and travel with Avatar Aang and friends to be his Earthbending teacher. Toph's mastery over earth, especially with Metalbending, as well as her unique personality, proved her to be a valuable addition to the Avatar's group.

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Zuko faces his father during the Invasion of the Fire Nation
Fire Lord Zuko is a skilled and powerful Firebender, born as a prince in the Fire Nation royal family. His story often paralleled that of the Avatar, Aang. Initially the main antagonist, Zuko's life revolved around trying to capture the long-lost Avatar to end his banishment and to regain his honor as Crown Prince of the Fire Nation.
Zuko is easily recognized by the characteristic burn scar on the left side of his face given to him by his father, Fire Lord Ozai, shortly before his banishment because of an incident in which he embarrassed his father by speaking out of turn. On his journey to capture the Avatar, he is assisted by his uncle Iroh in Firebending training.
With support from Iroh, and after much internal struggle and turmoil, Zuko rejects the Fire Nation and joins the Avatar's group to become Aang's friend and Firebending teacher. While Aang defeats Ozai, Zuko, with the help of Katara, defeats his prodigious younger sister Princess Azula and takes his place as Fire Lord, and declares the end of the war and the start of an era of love and peace.


In "The Desert", considered a traitor, Zuko's name was listed on a Fire Nation wanted poster as "祖寇" (zǔ kòu), which translate as 'ancestors robber". Later, in "The Tales of Ba Sing Se", his name is written as "蘇科" (sū kè) on his segment's title card, which translates as 'resurrected rule.' In "The Avatar and the Fire Lord", the word Sū is also used for his great grandfather Sozin's name on the boxes which held the diary scrolls. 'Fire Lord Sozin' is written as 烈火君蘇進 (liè huǒ jūn sū jìn). Sozin or Sū Jìn translates as 'resurrection enters'.
While living in the Earth Kingdom In Book 2, Zuko goes by the alias 'Lee'.
Azula often refers to him as "Zu-Zu" and "Dum-Dum".

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Avatar Roku

Avatar Roku was the Avatar immediately preceding Avatar Aang. He was born in the Fire Nation. Being in spirit, Roku served as a guiding force for Aang throughout the series. Roku possesses an animal companion, a red dragon named Fang, which served him in the same way as Appa does Aang.
Roku was a wise and merciful Avatar with good intentions; however, he himself admitted that he was indecisive. Roku's old friendship with Fire Lord Sozin prevented him from halting Sozin's imperial ambitions, directly causing his death. Thus, he was unable to prevent The War, which would last for over one hundred years. Avatar Aang inherited the burden of rectifying the war-torn world, and Roku firmly believed Aang was destined to redeem his mistakes.

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Jet was the teenage leader of a band of refugee Earth Kingdom children called the Freedom Fighters. When Jet was only eight years old, he witnessed his parents' deaths at the hands of Fire Nation soldiers. Jet grew up to become a sword-wielding vigilante, possessing a burning hatred for the Fire Nation and going to extreme lengths to enact his revenge, even endangering innocent lives
Jet disbanded the Freedom Fighters after an encounter with Team Avatar; he and his friends Longshot and Smellerbee then decided to start a new life in Ba Sing Se. When he tried to expose Prince Zuko and Iroh as part of the Fire Nation, the Dai Li arrested and brainwashed him into submission.
A second encounter with the Avatar's group reveals the truth of the Dai Li to Jet, and he helps them find Appa by leading them to Lake Laogai, the Dai Li headquarters. There, Jet is fatally wounded by Long Feng when he overcomes the hypnosis placed upon him.

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Azula is the princess of the Fire Nation, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, and the younger sister and archenemy to Prince Zuko. She was a key enemy of Team Avatar, chasing Avatar Aang and her banished brother far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied by her two best "friends" Mai and Ty Lee.
A Firebending prodigy, Azula is sadistic, manipulative and obsessed with power. She is a skilled tactician who orchestrated the Fire Nation victory over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se and halted the invasion on Day of Black Sun.
Azula harbored deep mental instabilities, believing her mother favored Zuko over her. Raised by her father in an environment devoid of a mother-figure, Azula had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes. After the betrayal of her two closest friends, Mai and Ty Lee, these instabilities were brought up to the surface. Upon the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Azula was soon to be crowned Fire Lord; however, her defeat at the hands of her brother Zuko and Katara caused her to suffer a complete mental breakdown.

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Ty Lee 

Ty LeeTy Lee is a cheerful and energetic teenaged girl, hailing from the Fire Nation. The daughter of a nobleman, she attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls with her longtime friends Princess Azula and Mai. As a child, she dealt with six sisters that shared an identical appearance to her, which caused a loss of individuality, a longing to be a distinct, recognizable person, and a desire for attention from other people. Because of this, after she matured, she abandoned her home and joined a Fire Nation Circus, becoming a skilled acrobatic performer and gaining more personal attention.
Ty Lee is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, utilizing a unique form of martial arts that attacks the pressure points on the human body. By striking these, she is able to disrupt that individual's chi flow and temporarily paralyze them, removing their ability to use bending. She and Mai were recruited by Princess Azula to hunt down and capture her relatives Prince Zuko and Iroh, and later, the Avatar.
Mai later betrays Azula to save Zuko's life, which leads to an attack from the infuriated princess. Ty Lee rescues Mai from injury by paralyzing Azula, which leads to her and Mai's imprisonment. While held, she was reunited with the Kyoshi Warriors and befriended them. In return for teaching them how to block chi, she joins their group and is released from prison when the War is over, ironically adopting their makeup, effectively becoming one of a matched set.

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Iroh during the Liberation of Ba Sing SeIroh is a retired Fire Nation general, a former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, a Grand Master (Lotus) of the Order of the White Lotus, a Firebending Master, and a mentor to his nephew, Fire Lord Zuko. Iroh is the son of Fire Lord Azulon and the older brother of former Fire Lord Ozai. His prowess in Firebending (as well as his ability to breath fire) has earned him the title The Dragon of the West.
Unlike others from the Fire Nation, particularly within his own family, Iroh is an easy-going and spiritual man and is somewhat of a hedonist. He appreciates the balance of the four elements, even incorporating facets from the other elements into his own Firebending skills. He has aided Avatar Aang and his companions on several occasions, and for this was branded as a traitor.
After the traumatic death of his son, Prince Lu Ten at the siege of Ba Sing Se, Iroh sees Zuko as his own son rather than his nephew. Iroh has influenced Zuko to choose his own destiny rather than the destiny that others have expected of him. He currently serves tea for his retirement.

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HamaHama is a Waterbender who was born in the Southern Water Tribe. She was captured by the Fire Nation in their campaign to weaken the Southern Water Tribe but eventually escaped through the use of a new Waterbending technique, Bloodbending. Hama holds an especially deep grudge against the Fire Nation and its people, attempting to exact revenge whenever possible.

At first glance, Hama appears to be a gentle, kind old woman. She possessed a caring, maternal personality which eventually won her Katara's full trust. Determined and strong-willed, Hama fought persistently to ward off the Fire Nation during the Southern Water Tribe Raids. However, later events unveiled a much darker and, quite frankly, unstable side of Hama. Her discovery of Blood bending led her to become power hungry and driven to extract revenge on Fire Nation civilians whenever possible. Long to hold a grudge, she actively retaliated against the Fire Nation by imprisoning local villagers as a way to punish them for the devastation they brought upon the Southern Water Tribe. She revealed a cruel side to her, showing no mercy towards the Fire Nation or even Katara, as she willingly used Blood bending on her. 

Avatar Korra, from the Southern Water Tribe, is the Avatar immediately succeeding Aang. She is a teenage girl who is hotheaded and rebellious. Being the manifestation of the world in human form, Korra is the only living person who can use all four bending disciplines.


Korra is fiery and pugnacious. Her personality in many ways is the opposite of Aang, her predecessor. Whereas Aang was a peaceful, nomadic Airbender, she is tough, headstrong, and combative. However, Korra also has a good sense of humour, with teenage charm and vulnerability.

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